
You are reading this because you are hurting. I can see it in the way you hold your body. Is it your neck that is giving you so much trouble or is it perhaps your low back? Maybe it is a combination of a number of pains. Let’s talk about where you are hurting and when it started. Please tell me about the treatment you have received from others and what you do to relieve your pain at home. Yes, your pain is real. Perhaps we can work together so that your pain is relieved and you can feel healthy again.

The examination may help us determine which areas of your body are not working the way that you would like. Perhaps we will find that chiropractic manipulation, in addition to other forms of therapy, will be the most appropriate path to help you restore your health. Imaging is not mandatory although it may be helpful in certain situations. How often will treatment occur, you may ask. Well that depends on how well your body responds, for there is no set schedule.

If necessary, a professional referral to a medical specialist can occur to insure you receive the best care possible for I work with a number of doctors who also care about their patients’ health. You, and I and your body can work together so that you can get much closer to the level of health that you desire and deserve. Your time is valuable and if you are anything like myself, do not like to wait. How does Monday through Saturday availability sound to you?

I am looking forward to speaking with you and meeting you in person.
Let’s work together for your health, please feel free to call me at 714-847-5350
